
The main aims of the Course are to develop:

  • a conceptual understanding of the past and an ability to think independently;
  • a range of skills including the ability to apply a detailed historical perspective and evaluate sources in a range of contexts;
  • a detailed understanding of the factors contributing to, and the impact of, historical events;
  • the skills of investigating historical events and on the basis of evidence, forming views;
  • the skills of explaining and analysing historical events, and drawing reasoned conclusions.

National 3/4/5
In this subject you will look at three fascinating periods in the past that still matter in our lives today:

  • Scottish: The Era of the Great War, 1914-1928
  • British: The Making of Modern Britain,1880 -1951
  • European & World: Hitler and Nazi Germany, 1919-1939
The learner will be required to give evidence of:
  • having the ability to comment on the factors contributing towards a historical development in a basic way, and draw a basic conclusion.
  • descriptions and explanations which demonstrate a basic factual knowledge and understanding of themes and events within the areas of study; Scottish, British and European and World History.

The course assessment has 2 components:
Component 1: question paper, 80 marks, 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Component 2: assignment, 20 marks, 1 hour.

  • Linear progression – N5 achievement in History leads on to Higher, and a B grade or better at Higher leads on to Advanced Higher study in History. Strong literacy skills are required in Advanced History.
  • Skills progression – a questioning mind and effective information gathering will help you in a range of other subjects, the development of informed decisions and the presentation of findings in an intelligible manner are vital life skills. All of these skills (and many, many more) are developed in the study of History.
  • The variety of skills which form part of the National series of assessments are continued through National 5 and beyond.

Studying History means much more than memorising dates and the names of famous people! By studying the past you can gain a much better understanding of why the world is as it is, and gain a greater appreciation of your place in it. The Higher History course will help you to develop the transferable skills that employers value, such as original and critical thinking, teamwork and collaboration, and information handling. These skills will serve you well in the job market, and can open up many career options including teaching, media and journalism, law, publishing and politics.

The course consists of three units plus an Assignment of the student’s choice. The units are:

  • Scottish: The Impact of the Great War, 1914-1928
  • British: Britain, 1851 - 1951
  • European and World: Germany, 1815-1939
Core skills covered include:
  • Problem solving (Critical Thinking, Planning and Organising)
  • Communication
  • Analysis, interpretation and evaluation


The course assessment consists of 2 x question papers: 8 marks (73%) and an assignment: 30 marks (27%).
Question Paper 1: 1 hour 30 minutes worth 44 marks, contains 2 sections (Section 1 British: 22 marks; Section 2: European and World: 22 marks.).
Question Paper 2: 1 hour 30 minutes, worth 46 marks, contains 1 section (Scottish).


Entry to the Course is at the discretion of the Department but you would be expected to have achieved at least a B at Higher in History. The course consists of an Historical Study based on Germany: from Democracy to Dictarorship, 1918-1939 or Russia: from Tsarism to Stalinism, 1914-1945 and an in depth study of a historical topic in the form of a written dissertation. The dissertation should be no more than 4400 words (completed by the start of the Easter holiday).


Component 1: question paper 90 marks
Component 2: project – dissertation 50 marks
Total Marks 140 marks