School Aims

About Us

Tha Sgoil Lionacleit ann an ceann a deas Bheinn nam Fadhla anns na h-Eileanan an Iar.

‘S e sgoil coimhearsnachd a tha againn agus tha sgoilearan a’ faighinn tòrr chothroman an lùib spòrs, ceòl, dràma, cultar agus cur-seachadan adhartach a tha a’ brosnachadh an cuid sgilean.

Tha an luchd-obrach againn sgileil ann a bhith a’ toirt taic do sgoilearan airson ‘s gun dèan iad cho math ‘s a ‘s urrainn dhaibh agus airson an cuideachadh gu bhith cho soirbheachail ‘s a ghabhas an uair a dh’fhàgas iad an sgoil.

Gheibhear fiosrachadh feumail mu phoileasaidhean agus tachartasan san sgoil air an làrach-lìn againn.

Our school is built on the southern tip of Benbecula in the Western Isles of Scotland.

As a Community School we offer our pupils and the wider community an extensive range of sporting, musical, theatrical, cultural and enterprising activities.

Our excellent and committed staff support all pupils in their studies and help them achieve the best qualifications and skills that they will need for their future.

Our website contains a variety of information and documentation informing you of the procedures, activities and events within the school.

Sgoil Lionacleit Teaching Staff

Head Teacher : Mr G. Young

Deputy Head Teachers : Mrs H. Young  |  Mr R. Gillies

Guidance (Principal Teachers) : Mrs F. Campbell  |  Mrs J.A. MacSween

Support for Learning : Ms J. Emsley  |  Ms A. MacDonald-Spence

Music : Mr R. Gillies  |  Mrs J. MacMillan  |  Mrs E. MacNab

Health and Wellbeing : Mrs V. Beaton (Faculty Head) |  Mrs F. MacLean  |  Mrs M. Steele

Mathematics and Science : Mrs C.Brown (Faculty Head)  |  Mr J. MacLeod  |  Ms B. Michie  |  Mr S. Simpson  |  Ms D. McSherry  |  Mrs JA. MacSween*  |  Mr A. Macphail  |  Ms K. O'Carroll  |  Ms H. MacDonald

Technical and Art & Design Mr K. MacDonald (Faculty Head)  |  Mr W. Cosh  |  Mr P. Melnyczuk

Modern Languages and English : Mrs A. Parkin (Faculty Head)  |  Mrs J. MacEachen  |  Mrs M. MacIntyre  |  Mrs A. Minty  |  Mrs S. Dempsey  |  Mrs A. Macdonald

Social Subjects, Religious Education and Religious & Moral Education : Ms M. Garbutt (Faculty Head)  |  Ms EA. Boyle  |  Ms M. MacKinnon

* = Shared/part time.