Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What will the food be like?

The cafeteria at Sgoil Lionacleit has a very wide choice of food on their menu. Every day there are at least 3 hot food choices and then there are rolls, wraps and soup if you don’t want a cooked meal.  The menus are put up in the school at break so that you can see what’s available each day.

What if I forget my lunch money?

Go to the school office and they will lend you some. Do not skip lunch as it is very important for your health that you eat during the daytime.

What happens if I get lost?

Go to the main office downstairs and someone will help you. Or, you can just ask any teacher and they will be guide you to where you want to go.

What if I forget or lose my timetable?

Go to the main office and they will tell you which class to go to. Avoid the problem by having your timetable copied into your planner and always having your planner with you. Some pupils take a photo of their timetable on their phones, so they can check it easily on the way to class. The school rule is that mobile phones must not be used inside the classes.

Will we get loads of homework in secondary school?

Your teachers will give you small, manageable homework tasks in S1. Your homework will gradually increase as you move up the school so that when you get to the exams in S4 you will be able to cope well with the greater amount of homework.

Will there be lots of new people in the school who I don’t know?

Probably not! The islands are a small community and you will know lots of people. Also, because of Primary sports day and other sporting events, you will have met most of your new S1 classmates before. However, remember that it’s good to make new friends as well as keeping your old ones.

What if I get upset or nervous about something?

Find a teacher and explain how you feel. They will get help for you.

What do I do if I’ve slept in this morning?

Still come in to school, if arriving late for school must bring a note of explanation from parent/carer. We insist on this to avoid any cases of truancy.

What happens if I forget my PE kit?

You should tell the PE department as early as possible and be prepared to wear the spare PE kit held in the department. If you forget your PE department 3 times a letter will be sent home and detention/punishment exercise given.

What do I do if I have a dentist/hospital appointment during the school day?

You should have your parents contact the school preferably in writing that you are attending a dentist/hospital appointment.

What if I’m too unwell to attend school today?

If you are unable to attend school due to illness have your parent/carer contact the School Office on telephone number: 01870 603690 before 9.30am. If we do not receive an explanation by 9.30am a member of staff will contact your parent/carer by Groupcall to find out why you are not in school.

What do I do when I feel unwell?

If you become unwell during the school day you should tell your class teacher or school office staff then go the School Office. The school will contact your parent or the SOS contact to collect you from school.

What happens if I have an accident at school?

You will receive initial treatment from one of the schools qualified First Aiders. The school will then contact your parent or the SOS contact to collect you from school if you cannot continue to attend the remainder of your classes because of the accident. On occasion the school may call an ambulance on the advice of a First Aider following an accident at school. We will advise parents as quickly as possible to enable them to accompany you to hospital or to meet the emergency services at the hospital.

What do you do when I misplace a library book and receive a brown letter?

Don't panic, just contact the librarian in the first instance, if you cannot find the book you will be liable to pay a £6.00 fine for the book so the library can purchase another copy of the book. But if you believe you have temporary misplaced it you can speak to the libarian and tell them your predicament and discuss you options regarding the missing book.

How do I send a digital file [word document, audio file or jpeg photograph] to my teacher I have created at home?

All staff and pupils can have Microsoft Office for FREE on their home computer or tablet, or smartphone during their time at Sgoil Lionacleit through Glow.

Your username will look like this,

Your email address for the account will look like

Log on to Glow, and on the launch pad, click the Office 'Tile' and follow the instructions to download the Microsoft applications.

Either use your school email account through Outlook to send schoolwork to your teacher as attachments to emails. Or you can use Onedrive to upload your schoolwork and share it with your teacher.

Microsoft Office 365